Ohjeet ja säännöt
TERVEYS - Keskiviikkona, 24.04.2024 klo 07:39

Life hacks for good memory


Viestimäärä: 21

LIFE HACKS FOR GOOD MEMORY - Keskiviikkona, 24.04.2024 klo 07:39  
Hello! My question is very clear. What do you do when you need all your memory resources? It was easier for me with this when I was a child. I ate a lot of chocolate when I was preparing for exams and took a contrast shower when I realized that my mind was “slowed down”. What do I have today? I have to participate in a thematic forum from our company. I have a lot of materials for my speech.. But... I am very afraid of forgetting something important.. How can I calm down and gently train my memory?


Viestimäärä: 19

VS: LIFE HACKS FOR GOOD MEMORY - Keskiviikkona, 24.04.2024 klo 10:19  
It was interesting for me to think about this problem.. I understand that all people are different. My life hacks may not help another person. However, it's worth a try. I can’t say right away what will suit you personally, but try starting with the article about 10 ways to improve memory. The easiest ways to strengthen your memory are described there. I also recommend looking for apps that help develop memorization in a playful way.

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