Ohjeet ja säännöt
RUOKINTA - Keskiviikkona, 08.10.2014 klo 13:31


Siirry sivulle: 1 2


Viestimäärä: 1209

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Maanantaina, 19.09.2016 klo 20:30  
^ Miä antaisin sitä keitettyä riisiä lisukkeena ja nyt alkuun keitettyä, vähärasvaista lihaa/kalaa. Esim. seiti on tosi vähärasvaista ja saa helposti kaupasta. Sit kun närästysoireet häviää, niin kokeilee antaa raakana sitä lihaa pikku hiljaa, ja jos onnistuu niin sit kokeilemaan rasvaisempia lihoja, tai jotain hyvin hellävaraista, riisipohjaista nappulaa.
Toivottavasti hyvä ruoka löytyy tähän lähtötilanteeseen ja oireet häviäis pian! :hymy:
Welsh corgi pembroke "Leppo", s. 3.4.2014
Leppoisaa -blogi


Viestimäärä: 9

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Tiistaina, 07.02.2017 klo 00:44  
Haluaisin kuulla mielipitetä valion ruuasta. Onko hyvää koirakke Vai ei? Ja peruste


Viestimäärä: 358

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Keskiviikkona, 15.02.2017 klo 15:42  
Meillä oli käytössä valion puriste energia, mutta sen rasvaprossa oli liian pieni. Toinen koirista ei oikeen tykännyt pelleiteistä, toinen kiskoi hyvällä ruokahalulla. Valion ruuissa on muistaakseni maissia pääosin. Jos koirasi kestää maissia, niin valio on ihan ok tavaraa, tosin valio ei ole tainnut ilmoittaa käytettyjä lihamääriä prosentteina, joten sen määrä jää arvailun varaan :wink:


Viestimäärä: 1

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Sunnuntaina, 14.10.2018 klo 19:16  

Pirtsa83 kirjoitti:

Mikähän olisi hyvä ruoka närästävälle pennulle? Lammas ei sovi, peruna närästää, keitetty riisi Ok mutta nappulasta oleva ei oo varma.

Mulla vuoden vanha labbisuros, ja olen alkanut myös epäillä närästysvaivaa. Googlailin ja juttelin ystävien kanssa, ja lopulta tämän sivun lyhyen oirelistan perusteella varmistuin..nyt oon hieman toista viikkoa syöttänyt koiran kolme kertaa päivässä hieman pienempiä annoksia kerralla, ja aikaistanut iltaruokaa, jotta närästys ei haittaisi yöunia. Onko tämä uusi vaiva?


Viestimäärä: 39

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Tiistaina, 12.09.2023 klo 14:11  
gr8.tech provides tailored operational solutions that are specifically designed to help entrepreneurs launch successful iGaming businesses. These solutions include everything from licensing and compliance to marketing and player acquisition.


Viestimäärä: 2

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Tiistaina, 09.01.2024 klo 20:06  
Elevating the Game: Evoplay's Penalty Roulette Unleashes Unparalleled Excitement

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gaming, Evoplay has consistently proven its prowess in crafting innovative and immersive experiences that captivate players worldwide. Among its latest innovations, "Penalty Roulette" stands as a testament to the studio's commitment to pushing boundaries and introducing novel concepts into the gaming sphere. Let's delve into what makes this game a remarkable addition to Evoplay's diverse portfolio.

"Penalty Roulette" introduces a unique and thrilling blend of two classic casino elements – the suspenseful roulette wheel and the intense drama of penalty shootouts. Set against a visually captivating backdrop that mirrors the atmosphere of a high-stakes soccer match, Evoplay's attention to detail shines through, creating an immersive environment that draws players into the heart of the action.

Navigating through the game is a seamless experience, showcasing Evoplay's dedication to user-friendly interfaces. Intuitive controls empower players to quickly grasp the mechanics, allowing them to focus on the game's dynamic and captivating elements. This commitment to accessibility reflects Evoplay's design philosophy, making penalty roulette game that both seasoned players and newcomers can enjoy without unnecessary complexity.

What sets "Penalty Roulette" apart is its innovative gameplay, skillfully combining elements of strategy and chance to keep players engaged. As participants take on the dual roles of striker and gambler, attempting to score penalties while predicting the roulette wheel's outcome, the game introduces a unique challenge. This strategic layer adds depth to the overall gaming experience, requiring players to master precision and prediction for a shot at victory.

The scoring system in "Penalty Roulette" further amplifies the excitement, allowing players to accrue points based on successful penalties and accurate roulette predictions. This dynamic aspect fosters healthy competition, fueling a sense of rivalry among players striving to claim the top spot on the leaderboard. It's a gamified experience that not only entertains but also motivates players to refine their skills in pursuit of higher scores.

The visual and auditory elements of "Penalty Roulette" exemplify Evoplay's dedication to creating a fully immersive gaming encounter. The graphics are not only sharp and detailed but also visually captivating, while the sound effects recreate the ambiance of a bustling stadium, complete with cheering crowds and the satisfying thud of the ball hitting the net. This synthesis enhances the overall gaming experience, transforming it into a multisensory delight.

In conclusion, "Penalty Roulette" is a testament to Evoplay's commitment to innovation and player-centric design in the online gaming landscape. By seamlessly blending the excitement of penalty shootouts with the unpredictability of roulette, the game offers a fresh and exhilarating experience for players seeking a unique thrill. Whether you're a soccer enthusiast, a roulette aficionado, or simply a gaming enthusiast in search of unparalleled excitement, "Penalty Roulette" beckons with promises of an unforgettable journey. Immerse yourself in Evoplay's latest creation and redefine your gaming experience with the perfect fusion of skill and chance.


Viestimäärä: 2

VS: RUOKASUOSITUKSIA - Tiistaina, 09.01.2024 klo 20:06  
Elevating the Game: Evoplay's Penalty Roulette Unleashes Unparalleled Excitement

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gaming, Evoplay has consistently proven its prowess in crafting innovative and immersive experiences that captivate players worldwide. Among its latest innovations, "Penalty Roulette" stands as a testament to the studio's commitment to pushing boundaries and introducing novel concepts into the gaming sphere. Let's delve into what makes this game a remarkable addition to Evoplay's diverse portfolio.

"Penalty Roulette" introduces a unique and thrilling blend of two classic casino elements – the suspenseful roulette wheel and the intense drama of penalty shootouts. Set against a visually captivating backdrop that mirrors the atmosphere of a high-stakes soccer match, Evoplay's attention to detail shines through, creating an immersive environment that draws players into the heart of the action.

Navigating through the game is a seamless experience, showcasing Evoplay's dedication to user-friendly interfaces. Intuitive controls empower players to quickly grasp the mechanics, allowing them to focus on the game's dynamic and captivating elements. This commitment to accessibility reflects Evoplay's design philosophy, making penalty roulette game that both seasoned players and newcomers can enjoy without unnecessary complexity.

What sets "Penalty Roulette" apart is its innovative gameplay, skillfully combining elements of strategy and chance to keep players engaged. As participants take on the dual roles of striker and gambler, attempting to score penalties while predicting the roulette wheel's outcome, the game introduces a unique challenge. This strategic layer adds depth to the overall gaming experience, requiring players to master precision and prediction for a shot at victory.

The scoring system in "Penalty Roulette" further amplifies the excitement, allowing players to accrue points based on successful penalties and accurate roulette predictions. This dynamic aspect fosters healthy competition, fueling a sense of rivalry among players striving to claim the top spot on the leaderboard. It's a gamified experience that not only entertains but also motivates players to refine their skills in pursuit of higher scores.

The visual and auditory elements of "Penalty Roulette" exemplify Evoplay's dedication to creating a fully immersive gaming encounter. The graphics are not only sharp and detailed but also visually captivating, while the sound effects recreate the ambiance of a bustling stadium, complete with cheering crowds and the satisfying thud of the ball hitting the net. This synthesis enhances the overall gaming experience, transforming it into a multisensory delight.

In conclusion, "Penalty Roulette" is a testament to Evoplay's commitment to innovation and player-centric design in the online gaming landscape. By seamlessly blending the excitement of penalty shootouts with the unpredictability of roulette, the game offers a fresh and exhilarating experience for players seeking a unique thrill. Whether you're a soccer enthusiast, a roulette aficionado, or simply a gaming enthusiast in search of unparalleled excitement, "Penalty Roulette" beckons with promises of an unforgettable journey. Immerse yourself in Evoplay's latest creation and redefine your gaming experience with the perfect fusion of skill and chance.

  Siirry sivulle: 1 2
Ohjeet ja säännöt
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